McMENAMIN, Paddy – The sudden death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Paddy McMenamin, 369 Glencar Irish, Glencar, Letterkenny. Remains will be reposing at his late residence from 4 pm today, Saturday 5th January. Funeral Mass on Monday at 10 am in St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny. Interment afterwards in the family plot in […]

HARDY, Kathleen

HARDY, Kathleen (née Cornwall) – peacefully at her home surrounded by her loving family, after a long illness bravely borne. Beloved wife of David, much loved mother of Lorraine, Darren, and Amy, cherished sister of William, Joseph, George, Henry, Cecil, David, Albert, Bernadette, Betty, Helen and Josephine. Deeply regretted and very sadly missed by her […]

DONE, Carol Christine

DONE, Carol Christine – Removal from the home of Marius and Jessica O’Donnell, 2 Gaddyduff, Clonmany on Friday 4th January at 10.40 am to St. Mary’s Church, Clonmany, for 11 am Requiem Mass followed by burial immediately afterwards in New Cemetery. House strictly private please at request of deceased.


McGROARTY – The sudden death has occurred at St.Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin of Pauric McGroarty, former representative for Bizz Print. Beloved husband of Valerie, much loved father of Ryan, Aaron, Dean, Keelan, dearly loved son of Susan and cherished brother of James Gerard. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his wife, sons, mother, brother, extended […]

McKELVEY, Dermott

McKELVEY, Dermott – peacefully at Letterkenny University Hospital, 3rd January 2019. Beloved son of John Dan and Mary, much loved brother of Marcella, Theresa, Mark and Catriona. Mass Of The Angels on Sunday 6th January at 2 pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Crossroads, Killygordon. Interment afterwards in the adjoining Churchyard. Donations in lieu of flowers […]


RUTHERFORD, Molly – Removal from the home of her late brother and sister-in-law, Tommy and Monica Rutherford at Mullinagung, Ballindrait, on Friday 4th January at 1.15 pm for 2 pm service in St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Raphoe, followed by burial immediately afterwards in the family plot. House private on the morning of the funeral. Family flowers […]

BLACK, Thomas

BLACK – The Death has taken place in Lifford Community Hospital of Thomas Black, Blanket Nook, Newtowncunningham. Remains will repose at the home of his son, Derek Black , Blanket Nook Newtowncunningham from 4 pm today, Friday 4th January. Funeral from there on Sunday for 12.30 Mass in All Saint’s Church, Newtowncunningham, followed by burial […]


JONES-CONNOLLY, Margaret – No 2, St. Colm’s Terrace, East End, Bundoran, Co. Donegal, peacefully at Sligo University Hospital. Deeply regretted by her loving nephew, nieces and all her relatives and friends. “May Margaret Rest in Eternal Peace” Advertisement Reposing at the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bundoran on Friday evening January 4th […]


MAGUIRE, Jim – Donegal Road, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. Retired ESB Staff, unexpectedly, at his residence. Further funeral arrangements to be announced later. All enquiries can be made to Patrick McKenna Funeral Directors, Ballyshannon on 087-2485819. House private please.


McLAUGHLIN, Carrie – Removal from her home on Thursday, 3rd January at 10.30 am for 11 am Requiem Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Bocan, Culdaff, followed by burial immediately afterwards in the adjoining graveyard.