DILWORTH, Kathleen (Kay)

DILWORTH, Kathleen (Kay) – peacefully at the North West Hospice, the Mall, Sligo. Removal from her late residence tomorrow, Wednesday morning for Mass of the Resurrection at 11 am in St. Joseph’s Church, The Rock, Ballyshannon. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Family flowers only, donations in lieu to North West Hospice. House private please.


DOHERTY – The death has taken place of Martin Doherty, Glasgow. Beloved husband to Isabel (née McFadden). Sadly missed also by his sons Michael, Mark, Paul and Derek, his daughters Marie and Donna his fourteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren and a large circle of family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord […]


HANNA, John (Hanna Hats) – Donegal Town, peacefully at the Beacon Hospital, Dublin. Deeply regretted by his loving wife Mary (née Fisher), daughters Amanda Jane, Eleanor and Bernadette and his son John Patrick. Sadly missed by his sons in-law, Fred Simmons and Garvan Ward and extended family, neighbours and friends. May he Rest In Peace […]


McNULTY, Dan – peacefully at Donegal Community Hospital, Donegal town. Reposing at Gallagher’s Funeral Home, Station Road, Mountcharles this Tuesday afternoon, May 14th from 4 pm until removal to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Mountcharles to arrive at 7.30 pm. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Wednesday morning, May 15th at 11 am followed by burial in […]


PATERSON, Nora – Reposing at her residence. Removal tomorrow, Wednesday morning, May 15th at 10.30 am for 11 am Requiem Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Convoy followed by burial in the old cemetery, Convoy. Family flowers only, donations if desired, to the Donegal Hospice. Family time from 11 pm to 11 am.

VANCE, Bertha

VANCE – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Mrs Bertha Vance, The Cross, Carrigans. Her remains will repose at her residence on Tuesday, May 14th from 7 pm. Funeral from there on Friday, May 17th, at 1.30 pm for Service in Monreagh Presbyterian Church at 2 pm, with burial afterwards in […]

GOUDIE, Michael (Mickey)

GOUDIE – The death has taken place at his residence, 329 St. Eunan’s Terrace, Raphoe, of Michael (Mickey) Goudie. His remains will repose there from 5.30 pm on Monday, May 13th. Funeral from there on Wednesday, May 15th, at 1.30 pm for 2 pm Service in St Eunan’s Cathedral, Raphoe, with burial afterwards in the […]


McDERMOTT – The death has taken place of James McDermot, Main Street, Glenties and formerly of Meenahalla, Glenties. Remains reposing at Shovlins Funeral Home, Sandfield, Ardara this evening Monday, 13th May from 7 pm until 9 pm. Remains reposing on Tuesday afternoon from 3 pm with removal at 6.20 pm to St. Conal’s Church, Glenties […]

McMONAGLE, James (Busty)

McMONAGLE – The death took place at Letterkenny University Hospital on the 12th May 2019 of James (Busty) McMonagle. Reposing today, Monday, at his sister Lena and his brother Patrick’s McMonagle’s home, No.2 St. Eunan’s Terrace, Letterkenny (for one night only). Removal tomorrow, Tuesday from St. Eunan’s Terrace at 9.30 am to St. Eunan’s Cathedral […]


SHEVLIN, Teresa – at Queen of Peace Centre, Rathgar. (Late of Switzer’s and Brown Thomas). Loving daughter of the late Katherine. She will be sadly missed by Máire Gordon, Kate and Jack, her many cousins and a wide circle of friends. Rest In Peace Funeral arrangements later.