McCALLION, Bernice

McCALLION – The death has occurred at Beach Hill Manor Private Nursing Home, Lisfannon of Bernice McCallion (née Doherty), Aught, Ture, Muff. Pre-deceased by her husband Patrick, much loved mother of Paul, Sinead, Mark, Emer, Nina and Paddy and dear sister of Susie, Sean, Packie, Ann, Geraldine, Paul, Majella and the late Phil. Deeply regretted […]


CUNNINGHAM – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Patricia Cunningham, Hill Crest Nursing Home, Letterkenny and formerly Killastewart, Ardara. Survived by her sister Kathleen Reape (Mayo), her husband Willie and her two nephews Martin and Liam, their wives Michelle and Frances and all her extended family. May she Rest In Peace […]


McCLOSKEY – The death has occurred at her residence of Liz McCloskey (née Kilcourse), Grange, Inch Island and formerly 100 McHale Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Beloved wife of Michael; much loved mother of Hannah, Moya and Jimmy and dear sister of Padar, Michael, Patrick, Teresa, Mary Rose, Clare and the late Chris. Deeply regretted by […]


McMONAGLE – The peaceful death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital on Saturday, 26th February 2022 of Jim McMonagle, Carrygauley, Letterkenny. Pre-deceased by brothers Lawrence, Joe and Redmond and sister, Mary McAuley. Deeply missed by his loving wife Margaret, daughters Anne Cosgrove and husband Paul, Wood Road, Letterkenny and Louise Hilley and husband Brendan, […]


McGINLEY, John – Grange Hall, Mountmellick, formerly of Grattan Park, Greystones and Letterkenny, Donegal, peacefully on the 25th February 2022 at home, surrounded by his family following a brief illness. Pre-deceased by his loving wife Georgina and son John, brothers Dan, Willie, sisters Tessie, Maureen and Una. Deeply loved and missed by his partner Bridget, […]


De BÚRCA Nóra (née Ní Dhochartaigh) – Lusca, Co. Áth Cliath and An Bogach, Cill Charthaigh, Co Dún na nGall, 24ú Feabhra 2022, Nóra, go suaimhneach in Ospidéal Beaumont. Cúis mhór brón a bás dá clann, a hiníonacha Aoife agus Caitríona, fear céile Ciarán, a tuismitheoirí Eamonn agus Caitríona (nach maireann), a deirfiúracha Peggy, Ann […]


Ó DOCHARTAIGH, Fuair Tony – as Carraig a Choill, Rann na Feirste, bás in Oispís Dhún na nGall inné. Dhéanfar é a fhaire sa bhaile amárach (Dé Sathairn) ón 11 a chlog. Beidh an paidrín an dá oíche ag a 8 a chlog. Cuirfear Tony sa reilig úr in Anagaire i ndiaidh Aifreann 11 a […]


LAFFERTY – The death has occurred on 24th February 2022 of William Lafferty, RIP of Grahamsland, Castlefin. Beloved husband of the Late Kathleen, devoted father of Josephine, Fr. Angelo, Ursula, Finola, Joseph, Regina and Attracta and loving grandfather. Queen of The Most Holy Rosary pray for him William’s remains are reposing at his late residence […]


MACKIE – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital of Jean Mackie, Shrove, Greencastle, Lifford, Co. Donegal. Jean will be sadly missed by her family and wide circle of friends. Jean’s remains will repose from 4 pm in The Oratory, Shrove, Greencastle on Saturday, 26th February 2022. Funeral Mass will take place on […]


DEVENNEY – The death has taken place February 24th, 2022 at Letterkenny University Hospital of Seamus Devenney, 17 Porthall, Lifford and formerly of Carrickadawson, Raphoe. Beloved husband of Geraldine, much loved father of Charleen, Anthony and Gerard, father-in-law of Paul, Keira and Natasha, dearly loved grandfather of Cían, Martha, Conór, Milo, Nancy and Daní and […]