GILDEA – The death of John Gildea, Cavanreagh, Silverstream, Co. Monaghan, formerly of Stranaglough, Glenties, Co. Donegal. Passed away in his 89th year at home surrounded by his loving family. Pre-deceased by his sister Sr. Columba. John is fondly remembered by his wife Margaret, his children Vivian, Louise, Giles, Edwina and Konrad, sons-in-law George, Michael […]


GRAHAM – The death has taken place of Sam Graham, Perth Western, Australia and formerly of Momeen, St. Johnston. Son of late Moses and Kathleen Graham, brother of Joe, Kathleen, Thompson, Janette and the late Stephen Graham. Cremation will take place in Perth, Western Australia. Funeral Arrangements Later

McGRENRA, Anthony

McGRENRA – The peaceful death has taken place at the Donegal Hospice, Letterkenny on Monday, 27th June 2022 after an illness bravely borne, and surrounded by his loving family, of Anthony McGrenra, Listillion, Letterkenny, F92 HHT7 and formerly Carrick, Trentagh. Pre-deceased by his mother Essie and father-in-law Danny Boner (Big D., Burtonport). Deeply missed by […]


PATTON, Maura (née Sweeney) – peacefully at St. Joseph’s Community Hospital, Stranorlar surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife of the late William and much loved mother of Karen, Colette, Claire, Seamus and Liam cherished sister of Teresa, Imelda, Bernadette and the late Bro. Raymond (Noel Sweeney) and Paul. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by […]

THOMAS, Eamonn

THOMAS – The death has occurred of Eamonn Thomas, Cullionboy, Barnesmore, Donegal Town, peacefully in Letterkenny University Hospital. Eamonn’s remains will be brought to St. Agatha’s Church, Clar on Wednesday evening for 7 pm to reside over night. Funeral Mass at 11 am in St. Agatha’s Church, Clar on Thursday, with burial immediately afterwards in […]


GALLAGHER – The death has occurred of Moira Gallagher, Upper Main Street, Donegal Town, suddenly. Remembered by her loving children Mark, Anita and Declan, grandchildren nephews, nieces, brothers and friends. Moira’s remains will repose at her late residence from 12 noon until 9 pm on Tuesday. Moira’s remains will leave her residence at 10:30 am […]

QUINN, Very Reverend Brian P.P.

QUINN – The death has taken place at Letterkenny University Hospital on Sunday, 26th June 2022 of Very Reverend Brian Quinn, P.P., Church of the Irish Martyrs, Parish of Aughaninshin, Ballyraine, Letterkenny. Pre-deceased by his parents Packie and Kathleen, Greaghs, Laghey. Beloved brother of Pat (Donegal Town) Joe (Cork), Michael (Canada), Marian Boyle (Ballyshannon) and […]


VERMEER – The death has occurred of Peter Vermeer, Ballyara, Killybegs, Co. Donegal formerly the Netherlands. Sadly missed by his loving wife Annie Bridget, son Peter, daughter-in-law Byanca, grandson Conall, granddaughter Abbey, brothers, sister, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, relatives and friends. Rest In Peace Advertisement Remains reposing at his residence, strictly for family only. Removal on Tuesday, […]

KELLY, Michael

KELLY, Michael – peacefully surrounded by his loving family at Letterkenny University Hospital. Beloved husband of Rose, much loved father of Marie, Ann, Monica and Sophie, Charlie, John, Michael and Eugene. Kindly remembered by his brother Patrick, grandchildren and great grandchildren, nephews, nieces, extended family and very many friends. Pre-deceased by his sisters Greta, Kathleen […]

McGINTY, Anna Mary (May)

McGINTY, Anna Mary (May) (nee Kelly) – peacefully, at Letterkenny University Hospital, surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife of the late William and much loved mother of Liam, Maria, Michael, Terry, and Edel, cherished sister of Jackie, Iris, and Jim, also the late Yvonne, Liam, and George. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her […]