325 women at The Castle in Newtowncunningham

THE Mother and Baby Homes Report published today found that The Castle in Newtowncunningham was not a traditional mother and baby home but a supported hostel for women and children

Minister McConalogue welcomes €1.6 million for housing

An allocation of over €1.6 million to see social housing units in Donegal refurbished and re-let to individuals and families, struggling with homelessness or on the social housing list, has been welcomed by Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalogue. 

Clans differ on Red Hugh’s final burial site

DEBATE has arisen in Donegal as to where the remains of Red Hugh O’Donnell, King of Tyrconnell should be buried if they are confirmed found in the former Franciscan Monastery in Valladolid, Spain.

Bealtaine Festival cancelled

 It is with great regret that Donegal County Council’s  Culture Division announces the cancellation of the 2020 Bealtaine Festival which celebrates arts and creativity as we age.