Lisa with Fourglen's John McNicholl. Photo: Courtesy of Carmel Mannion Publicity
THIS has possibly been some of the most emotionally draining weeks of my life so far! I am delighted to let you all know that I was awarded Best Female Vocalist of The Year at The Sunday World awards last week in Mullingar.
It was a fantastic night and everyone in the business was there so it was great to catch up with everyone on the night.
I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me and also to all of the Team at the Sunday World for their continued support. Congratulations must also go to all of the other Award winners, they were all well deserved.
I also have even bigger news, probably the most exciting news of my career so far. Last Saturday morning I received a very exciting telephone call from Nashville from my good friend and Country Music Legend – Gene Watson.
As we have kept in touch since we toured together last May across England, I thought Gene was calling just to find out how I was doing and how things in the business were going here in Ireland. I couldn’t have been more wrong!
He was actually calling to invite me over to Nashville to appear as his guest on The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville on Tuesday 6th March!
Read Lisa’s full Country Girl column on Monday