
A new beginning for Alison as she takes on the role of school principal

By Evelyn Cullen

WITH the new school year getting underway this week, Letterkenny woman Alison Quigley-Gordon is all set to take up her new role as Principal at Scoil an Linbh Íosa National School in Carrigans.

A teacher there since 2002, Alison is now in her 23rd year in the school as she takes the top job. “It was my first job fresh out of college” she said “and I’ve never looked back.”


She takes the reins from former Principal John O’Donnell whose strong legacy she plans to continue. “John ran a tight ship” she said “He is so organised and has everything laid out in to-do lists, so the hand-over has been very smooth.

“I’ve learned so much from him” she said of Mr O’Donnell who she counts as both colleague and friend.

Scoil an Linbh Íosa is a small rural school with 84 pupils enrolled for the coming year.

They have four teachers as well as two SETs (Special Education Teachers) and three SNAs (Special Needs Assistants) and they all work together as a strong team.

“It’s hard to put into words but it’s a very special school with a lovely atmosphere,” Alison said “Sub teachers and visitors always comment on it.”

One of the things that makes it so special is the relationship between the teachers and pupils.

“The kids know that they can come to any teacher about anything. We’re approachable and friendly and they call us by our first names.”


Alison will continue teaching Junior and Senior Infants four days a week with a Principal Release day every Thursday, which will make her available for meetings and phone calls with parents as well administration duties.

‘We also have a full-time secretary which is great, Michelle is brilliant” she said.

As principal she plans to develop the after-school programme Smart Steps which she says is a valuable service to the community.

Read full story in Thursdays edition of The Donegal News on shelves now 

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