Festival Co-ordinator, Aisling Sharkey said: “This year she has placed a great emphasis on family activities and hopes that the 2011 programme of activities and events including headlining act, The Coronas will undoubtedly please all ages and that Lá Gaelach will be as lively as ever.”
A pre-festival concert will take place with Donegal’s own, Goat’s Don’t Shave, returning to Dungloe for a fund-raising concert in Ionad Spoirt na Rosann, Saturday, July p. Tickets are currently on sale from Books and Charts and The Cope Dungloe.
The 2011 programme is currently available online, with the official programme launch taking place on Tuesday 7th June 2011 in the Ionad Teampall Chróine at 8pm with refreshments served, this is an open invitation, everyone welcome to come along and show their support.
The programme gives a full view of the variety of street music, children’s activities, water sports, horse show, craft market, gala ball, community-based events and other festival offerings that will be on offer from July 23 to August 1.
The official opening ceremony will take place on Saturday 23rd with a Special guest, followed by Mr Jones, Johnny Gallagher & The Boxtie Band launching the street music programme, the festival promises 10 days of family entertainment and music for all ages.
Monday through Wednesday will see children’s activities daily, culture, poetry and wine tasting evenings and street music every night.
Thursday’s annual Lá Gaelach offers a marathon of traditional Irish music, with Irish dancing, Céili dancing, Impromptu Comhaltas, RTE’s Raidio na Gaeltachta broadcasting live from the main street and a line up of Traditional Irish music bands performing morning through to night. With the headlining act, The Coronas bringing Lá Gaelach to an end.

The Annual Carnival Parade will run on Sunday 31st July and the annual Crowning Cabaret will see the ever popular BBC presenter Gerry Kelly returning to compere the selection of the 44th Mary from Dungloe, while live music on Dungloe’s Main Street entertains the crowds before the winning Mary parades through town.
The festival would like to encourage individuals/groups to take part in our Carnival Parade, entering this year’s floats competition, 1st prize €500, 2nd €250 and 3rd place will receive €100.
The committee would also like to encourage Buskers to come along to the festival this year for more information or to register your entry or busking permit email info@maryfromdungloe.com.
For more information, visit the festival’s website